What new service could you offer that would generate referrals and more business?
Go green on weed control
Consumers are preferencing ‘green’, ‘eco’ and organic and It’s no longer acceptable for much of the community to see chemicals being sprayed for weed control.
FACT The public is concerned about safety
Application of chemical weed killers, according to label, requires restriction of access to treated areas for a number of hours. Smelling the fumes of herbicides = exposure to toxins. Failure to restrict access can expose the public to ‘probable carcinogens’ and can lead to potential litigation.
FACT Weedkillers threaten habitat, ecosystem & pet health
Most commonly used weed killers have the potential to contaminate habitats of sensitive populations of endangered species such as frogs, bee’s and butterfly’s which are essential to healthy ecosystems.
FACT Glyphosate negatively impacts soil biology
The most commonly used weed killers are Glyphosate based. Glyphosate is a patented anti-biotic and chelator which has been shown to kill soil microbes, bind nutrients and favour pathogens.
FACT Stormwater becomes contaminated with herbicides applied to landscapes.
Chemical weed killers translocate easily from paved surfaces, through soil profiles and contaminate ground waters, streams, creeks and estuaries. Contamination of water can be a pollution event under state and federal law.
These problems have created the next great opportunity for differentiating your business and standing out from the crowd.
Residential Consumers are favouring ‘eco’, organic and bee, child and pet-friendly products.
Commercial clients want Eco
Companies, councils and schools report to their stakeholders on their eco-initiatives. You can assist them to achieve their eco-outcomes. Offer organic Satusteam weed control from Weedtechnics.
Be a leader
Add Satusteam™ to your tool kit offer as a new service. Weedtechnics has a range of machines to suit your needs. The new SW500E is versatile and easy to use. It plugs into water and power wherever you go; or can be used with a generator. The SW900 is a more serious workhorse. It can run all day with one or two technicians on 60m hoses.
Use SatusteamTM weeding machines to kill weeds in cracks and crevices in driveways, carparks, along fence lines and in gardens. The machine can also clean and sanitise slippery paths, rubber surfaces, artificial grass, play equipment, as well as remove chewing gum and some graffiti.
Sydney Inner West Council has had a SatusteamTM weeding program outside every school and pre-school in Marrickville for many years.
With Weedtechnics SatusteamTM, you can be a step ahead of the rest
36 councils across Australia use Satusteam to weed and clean playgrounds and civic areas. Much of this work is contracted.
Jeremy Winer has 30 years of practical experience in implementing integrated holistic approach to organic weed management across urban landscapes, recreational parklands and wetlands. He currently runs Weedtechnics specialising in providing chemical reduction and non-toxic weed control programs to municipalities across Australia. He has developed, patented, manufactured, and commercialised the Steamwand method of creating saturated steam for vegetation control.
- Advocating for Pesticide Reduction and Healthier Food Options
- What Are Weeds?
- Effective Steam Weeding for Sensitive Garden Beds
- Are you considering organic herbicides?
- A Hidden Threat to Human Health and the Environment- Herbicides
- The Growing Demand for Non-Chemical Weed Control: Why Landscape Contractors Should Consider Satusteam™ technology